How Digital Technology in Construction Industry is Changing?

Change is the only thing constant. But the rate of change may vary. An escalation in the rate of change in terms of digital technologies in the construction industry is evident in recent times. Many things are changing and the industry is taking a huge turn towards adopting the latest digital technologies. The outcomes of these changes are remarkable, but the process and the transition is also to be acknowledged.

The construction companies are increasingly using the digital tools to improve their planning and execution, as well as numerous organizations using digitalization, especially the upsides of cell phone use at their wide-going work locales. However, in spite of such acceptance, the construction industry is trailing behind some industries in digitalization.

Considering the fact that a huge digital revolution is expected in the construction industry, which has already been initiated, it becomes important to know how these digital technologies are changing the construction sector. Read through this blog to know this “how”.

Improved Productivity

Construction industry consists of bricks, metals and hardware, heavily dependent on manual labour and huge machinery. And due to this, often the productivity issues are of major concern. The companies are beating the low productivity traps by using the digital tools and techniques on the construction projects. 

Not only the labor productivity, but the efficiency of the company employees also govern the company profits. Organizations presently perceiving the requirement for superior communication and data exchange, inside their own authoritative structure as well as with their clients and accomplices. The utilization of sound and web conferencing has become part of the everyday schedule for majority companies and also improves the efficiency of employees. 

More Comprehensive Project Planning

To the conventional 3 dimensional models of projects, the digital tools now offer on adding 2 more dimensions of cost and schedule to the project models. This 5-D model simplifies the understanding of project scope and design parameters based on geometry, project specifications, and quality requirements. All the stakeholders can come together quickly and analyze the changes and impacts on the construction project.

The future can be the augmented reality that includes holographic displays, digital project mapping based on real time progress and site environment.

Predict the Overruns

The cost and schedule overruns are amongst the common issues faced by the project stakeholders that affect all. Limiting the variances and aligning the cost to the budget baseline is the best solution. Digital tools can help by predicting such overruns prior to the execution phase so that during the actual construction it becomes easy to pull the actual lines close to the planned baselines.

A predictability metrics that eliminates the guesswork in the project can be obtained by the use of Enterprise Project Performance. It provides an oversight to the project team that is delivering the most predictive activities on a construction project. The project team can also be rewarded on their performance through the use of this digital tool.

Improved Safety and Quality

Safety should be the first priority. Compared to other industries, construction risks are major and pose harm to human life. It has always been a concerned parameter on a construction project. As more physical work is involved, it exposes workers to greater risks and safety concerns. Mobile apps are made available on few projects to oversee the worksite safety and record the safety functions. Use of such applications has made the safety inspection jobs less tedious. 

Moreover, 3D models and technologies like BIM help in virtually visiting the worksite and highlight the areas of major safety concerns that can be planned to eliminate or minimize the risk involved. 

Same goes with the quality of the construction projects. digiQC is a great digital solution for all your quality related programmes. It simplifies the quality inspection of the project and can earn you higher profits.

Better Collaboration and Mobility

A paperless workflow and better decision-making functions are a result of streamlined collaboration. This can be achieved by the emerging and the most popular digital tool of Building Information Modelling (BIM), that brings all the project stakeholders on the same platform. 

Many applications are developed for collaboration and mobility that imparts remarkable results for project success. It can deliver real time changes, maintain a master set of documents that can be accessed by the project team, do time tracking, perform cost coding and keep all the stakeholders updated with the project information.

 This makes a strong collaboration between the project related parties and can minimize the schedule overruns and streamline the process of information exchange.

Optimizing Worksite Performance

The eventual fate of development will unquestionably observe a greater amount of the decision making jobs given off to intelligent digital tools and the gadgets that will make sudden spike in demand for it. For worker wellbeing, information security, and profitability, the construction project demands the best expectations of execution conceivable.

 Better monitoring can also be done by using digital tools, which will in turn result in the optimizing performance on the construction sites. All such benefits, combined together makes the digitalization a complete package that will ensure project success.


Construction is a thriving industry and is set to remain so for years to come. With the worldwide populace development and truly developing requirement for homes in which to accommodate individuals, framework development and redevelopment, numerous organizations and private people are putting resources into the construction sector.

The constant change and evolution becomes necessary for such industries. Therefore it becomes important to learn about the changes that these emerging technologies are about to bring to the industry. In sum, the construction sector is good to go with the newly budding digital tools making positive changes. So, do invest in smart options and choose the digital way towards expanding your company and making more profits.

One such digital solution for your construction project is DigiQC. You can change a lot by going digital for quality management. Get assured quality with the latest tools that keeps you upgraded in the race.

Want to know more about the QC software? CLICK HERE to schedule a demo.

Are you on the lookout for modern digital solutions? Checkout the features of digiQC and make sure you read the latest blog series Digitization in construction—An Overview to know what you are stepping into.

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